- syntax: stmt
- beispiel: {RZ4+dsn.beispiel.wsh(wshTut35)}
- @ runs the following primary, block or expression
- proc defines a procedure
- arg aasigns the argument(s) of a called proc to variables
- ct executes a statement at compiletime
- do is syntactical sugar for rexx do
$$ --- statement ---
$$ output $'$$'
$=v1= assignment1 default kind =
$$ v1=$v1
$=v2=- assignment2 'rexx string' (3*4)
$$ v2=$v2
$=/v3/assignment3 mit
named block$/v3/
$$ v3=$v3
v4= mit kind : braucht es kein $'$='
$$ v4=$v4
$@¢ call out 'run statement @: 1. execute rexx block' $!
$$ 2. define proc, @ run proc
$@% f1 = @% run proc with arguments
$$ ct execute at compile time, ctVar=$ctVar
$ct ctVar = ctVar assigned at compileTime
$do i=35 to 36 $$ do loop i=$i i**2=$-¢$i**2$!
$proc $@/f1/ $arg a1 $$ start proc f1 arg=$a1 $/f1/
$#out 20161127 10:24:06
--- statement ---
output $$
v1=assignment1 default kind =
v2=ASSIGNMENT2 rexx string 12
v3=assignment3 mit named block
v4=mit kind : braucht es kein $=
run statement @: 1. execute rexx block
2. define proc, @ run proc
start proc f1 arg=
start proc f1 arg=@% run proc with arguments
ct execute at compile time, ctVar=ctVar assigned at compileTime
do loop i=35 i**2=1225
do loop i=36 i**2=1296
character set problems
wiki | z/os | name |
¢! | [] | square brackets |
| | ! | exclamation mark |