operator allow casting of datatype e.g. of String dsn to a file accessing this dsn. Or from a block, to a String of its concatenated outputs.
To make Live easier, a lot of default kinds and operators are applied - to change the default behavior, you sometimes need more Operators or Kinds then you would expect. E.g. a block can only be preceeded by operators, if it is preceeded by a kind, because wsh assumes default kind and operators, sometimes several copies of the same operator character are needed
$#@ $$ --- operator .-<@|?%^ --- $$ . 2object $..-'eins' $..@=¢zwei$! $= v3 =.-= drei $$ - 2string $-v3 $.v3 $--..v3 $-=¢vier fuenf$! $$- '< 2file' className(objClass($.<-=¢~wk.rexx(wsh)$!)) $=r=.@-¢fuenf time()$! $$- '@ 2run ' className(objClass($r)) 'run='$-%r $<> $<.<#¢ginge auch mit $<=¢ sechs $! call pipeWriteAll $<> $$ | singleton $-|=¢sieben $! $$ ? 0or1 $-?=¢acht $! $$ % runOut $-%p1 $$ ^ runRet $-^p1 $proc p1 $@¢$$ p1 output $@ return 'p1 returns'$! $<> $#out 20161127 14:33:32 --- operator .-<@|?%^ --- . 2object !eins O.176.1 - 2string !drei !drei drei vier fuenf < 2file File @ 2run ORun178 run=FUENF 14:33:32 ginge auch mit $<=¢ sechs | singleton sieben ? 0or1 acht % runOut p1 output p1 output ^ runRet p1 returns $
character set problems
wiki | z/os | name |
¢! | [] | square brackets |
| | ! | exclamation mark |