Wsh Tutorial: 8 Kinds

  • syntax: kind
  • description: WshSem
  • beispiel: {RZ4+dsn.beispiel.wsh(wshTut36)}

Traditionally, a primary is an atom of an

$$ --- 8 kinds ---
@#¢# only text no primaries no statments $=v= kind#  $v $!
@=¢$= v = kindText #
= skeleton with primaries and statments with $'$' v=$v$!
@-¢$= v = kindString -
'- rexx expression yielding string'
'    with' primaries and statments with $'$' 'v='$v$!
@.¢$= v = kindObject .
'. rexx expression yielding object (address)'
'    with' primaries and statments with $'$' 'v='$v$!
@¢$= v = kindExe @
   call out '@ rexx statements' ,
            '(with rexx continuation)'
   call out '    with primaries' and wshStatments with $'$' 'v='$v$!
@:¢v = kindWsh :
$$ : wshStatements only, no $'$' needed,
$$ $'    no' primaries, no expressions v=$v$!
@%¢= v = kindRun %
myOut = % run with arguments,
myOut $-'    wshStmts without $', no primaries, no expressions v=$v$!
@^¢= v = kindFunRet ^
myRet = ^ fun returnValue with arguments,
myRet $'    wshStmts without $', no primaries, no expressions v=$v$!
$proc myOut $@¢ $arg a $$ $a $!
$proc myRet $@¢ $arg a $@ return $a $!
$#out                                              20161127 10:24:47
--- 8 kinds ---
# only text no primaries no statments $=v= kind#  $v $!
= skeleton with primaries and statments with $ v=kindText #
- rexx expression yielding string
    with PRIMARIES AND STATMENTS WITH $ v=kindString -
. rexx expression yielding object (address)
    with PRIMARIES AND STATMENTS WITH $ v=kindObject .
@ rexx statements (with rexx continuation)
    with primaries AND WSHSTATMENTS WITH $ v=kindExe @
: wshStatements only, no $ needed,
    no primaries, no expressions v=kindWsh :
% run with arguments,
    wshStmts without $, no primaries, no expressions v=kindRun %
^ fun returnValue with arguments,
    wshStmts without $, no primaries, no expressions v=kindFunRet ^

character set problems

¢![]square brackets
|!exclamation mark