- only two addressing levels:
- constants & defined functions
- local data of a function activation (stack)
- expressions and statements are the same
- restricted visibilty: we cannot make methods so small, simple syntax is ok
- multi assignement [a,c,d] = e(e,e) ==> that is not really simple?
U = Bool ∪ Int (with 0 ∈ Int ⊆ Integer) ∪ Subset of String ∪ Map (code is implemented by maps) ∪ {null, dy, ...}
- a finite or infinite set of immutable base objects, including Bool {true, false} a subset of int including 0, 1, .., characters and strings
- a finite or infinite set of map ids. Each mapId yields a mutabe partial map U → U. maps may be restricted to the number of entries (>= 2) of wh
- kann man partial maps einfach durch totale Funktionen ersetzen? ja mit constante undef
- am besten als constante mapId mit U → undef (immer new == undef, nie new is undef)
- wie einfachen übergang zu weniger BaseObjects, z.B. implementieren von Strings durch maps: Int→Char ?
- Gleichheit is selbe MapId, '==' selbe key→value pairs
- type: Map: currenttype info ???
- maps can be frozen (made readonly)
- during a for loop over a map, the keys read only (remove/add of keys disallowed, however values of existing keys may be changed)
- U → U
- ∈ binary op: key is in map
- [ ] binary op get
- size: unary op Map → Int
- for k:v in e do e
- put value at key
- remove key
- new new(e) empty Map
- type: U → U type function (Bool, Int, codeIf, codeAss ...
- syntax for structured data: [ (c : e ; | e = e ;)* ]
- local: current activation map. local is accessible only within functions, it is read&write - it is the map a function is called with
- global: global is accessible everywhere, but within functions only readonly - maps are transitively readonly
- execution of dy will halt the program immediately in error state
Syntax minimal - for virtual machine
e =
- stringConst
- numConst
- local | global | true | false | undef | new | dy
- e [ e ]
- map m hasKey k is coded as m[k] is undef
- as a key undef works as any other element of universe: m[undef] may yield any u ∈ U
- e [ e = e ]
- remove key k from map m is coded as m[k=undef]
- fun e endFun
- return e
- e ( e )
- if e then e else e endIf
- while e do e endWhile
- for a (: a)? in e do e endFor
- ( e )
- e ; e
- op e | e op e | e op
- op operands
- l is r: identity on map(Ids), equality of contents on base values
- l == r: equality of (current) values: ∀ u∈U: l[u] is r[u]
- and, or, not: usual boolean operands, dy if the operands are not boolean
- +, -, *, **, /, //, % usual ops on Int, dy if the operands are not numeric, overflow, division by zero, etc.
- <, <= comparision on Bool (true > false), int, works on U×U → Bool, depends on MapIds not the values, with the usual laws (transitive, <= is (< or ==) etc.)
code samples
- new['eins' = 1]['zwei' = 2] ---> new map with two keys
- brauchen wir explizites encoding code → Map? entweder das, oder code muss ins Universum aufgenommen werden ....
- fun yields a read only map that may be execute (by e(e)), the layout is unspecified
Syntax sugared
- identifiers: in functioni, if assigned to (here or before) then local, otherwise global
- Achtung indentifiers links vom assignment bezeichnen direkt eine Adresse, rechts aber den dort gespeicherten Wert!
- a = b ==> put(local, 'a', local['b']]
- a!!'' = b ==> put(local, local['a'], local['b']]
- Variationen
- Deklaration sagt ob ident zu local, global, oder wo auch immer hingehört
- nicht Deklariert, aber Umgebung sagt es: in Funktion local, innerhalb von map[ .... ] map usw.
- address construct: (map, key)
- a.b[c] = e Konstrukt ist natürlich weil nächste Auswertung von a.b[c] eben e ergibt und man kann den Unterschied von linker und rechter Seite eigentlich vergessen
- a.b[c=d, e=f] ist Abkürzung für a.b.c=d;a.b.e=f. kein Umgebungswechsel für Variabeln!
- aber was bedeutet a[b=(c=d)]? ==> a.b=(a.c=d) also einfach map prefix vor leftParts of assginment.
- a[c=d, e[f=g]: local.a.e.f oder local.e.f ==> nach map Prefix Regel das erste! spezialRegel für local und global: sind kein varId's, können also auch nicht prefixed werden (oder sogar prefix char? ==> nö bräuchte merhstufigen .....)
- a[....] prefixed nur assLeftpart, with a do e oder fun.... endFun () ändert local (oder with nur präfix und kann doch aufs äussere local zugreifen?)
- a[e=e] und a[e] sind ganz verschieden, wegen rekursiven definition von e mehrdeutig
- , für embedded ass in [ ], ; für statements oder ist das überflüssig?
- Achtung indentifiers links vom assignment bezeichnen direkt eine Adresse, rechts aber den dort gespeicherten Wert!
- updMap: current map for updates ????
- call with formal/actual parameters
- easy map/structure creation
- t1 , t2 ⇒ ( t1 ) t2
- .id ⇒ ['id']
constants and especially named functions, are visible
- after the declaration in the current scope
- also in nested functions (from the current scope)
variables are visible
- after the declaration in the current scope
- not in nested functions
- but only in other nested scopes ( {}. if, while, ...)
e =
- const newName = e
- forward newName+ * ersetzen durch limited 2 phase compile?
- fun (newName as)? e endFun
- return e
- var newName (, newName)* = e
- name
- e . id
- e [ e ]
- e ∈ e
- name = e
- e : e
- delete e
- (update e)? [ e? ]
- ( e )
- e ; e
- op e | e op e | e op
- e ( e? ) --- without unnested assignments then e yields map else new map with these unnested assignments
- if e (then e)? (elif e (then e)? )* (else e)? endIf
- while e do e endWhile
- for name (: name) in e do e endFor
- actMap: current activation map for get for update if not within an update expressio
- outerMap: readonly outer block
- updMap: current map for updates
constants and especially named functions, are visible
- after the declaration in the current scope
- also in nested functions (from the current scope)
variables are visible
- after the declaration in the current scope
- not in nested functions
- but only in other nested scopes ( {}. if, while, ...)
- implizit/explizit references
- single valued / optional / multivalued atts
- a, b, c ⇒ record fields
- o → o: ⇒ map