Inf / Env

env.php: PHP Environment: args, output, errhandling

general output

  • line = word* # add separting space if necessary
outw* nlwords separated by space and nl
outWw*words separated by space without any nl
outAw*append text, neither separating space nor nl
outNLnl w*nl before words separated by space
outEC(w '=' w ', ')*words in the format key=value, ...
outHH2 w* /H2all words of a header
outOLOL w*Ordered List begin and possibly first words of first item
outLiLi w*new list item (closes previous) and possibly first words
outOLEnd(Li w+ )? /OLpossibly last item. end Ordered List
outULUL w*Unordered List begin and possibly first words of first item
outULEnd(Li w+ )? /ULpossibly last item. end Unordered List
outTbTb (TR TD w+)?table begin and possibly first words of first datacell
outTCF column format: r=rightAligned, !=TH
outTRTR (TD w+)?TableRow (closes open TR) and possibly first words of first datacell
outTRDTR (TD w)*TableRow (closes open TR) and datacells
outTRHTR (TH w)*TableRow (closes open TR) and headerCells
outTDTD w*dataCell (closes open cell) and possibly first words
outTDD(TD w)*several dataCells (closes open cell)
outTHTH w*headerCell (closes open cell) and possibly first words
outTHH(TH w)*several headerCells (closes open cell)

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  • outTD
  • outTH
  • outTR(word*)