adder multiplier

full adder (or better bit counter!)

  • (a,b,c) → (r1, r0) i.e. a+b+c = 2r1 + r0 which is r1 = (a and (b or c)) or b and c), r0 = a xor b xor c
  • yields depth and size O(n), size to add two n-bit numbers

recursive adder

  • (l, r) => (l+r, l+r+1)
  • addR(l, r) {let j = (int) bitSize(l, r) / 2;
    • (c1, d1) = addR(l div 2j, r div 2j)
    • (c0, d0) = addR(l mod 2j, r mod 2j)
    • return (if c0 >= 2j then d1 else c1 fi * 2j + c0, if d0 >= 2j then d1 else c1 fi * 2j + d0)
  • iterative implementation ==> php
    • 4 int variables, split in windows of 2k bits
      • a = (l+r) mod 22**k for each window
      • b = (l+r+1) mod 22**k for each window
      • c = (l+r) div 22**k for previous window (so each carry is at the bit of the correct value)
      • d = (l+r+1) div 22**k for previous window (so each carry is at the bit of the correct value)
    • thus, we have the loop invariants a + c = l+r, b+d = l+r + sum(i=0..., 2i * 2**k)
    • depth O(log(w)) but size O(w * log(w))

carry look ahead

for 2 j bit numbers we have 3 exclusive possibilities

  • r+l, r+l+1 < 2j
  • r+l+1, r+l >= 2j
  • r+l = 2j-1, r+l+1 = 2j, this is equivalent with r xor l = not 0 = all 1

thus, using again doubling windows of 2k bits we get

  • carry[i] = (l[i-1] and r[i-1])
  • xor ((l[i-1] xor r[i-1]) and (l[i-2] + r[i-2] >= 2)
  • xor ((l[i-2, i-1] xor r[i-2, i-1] = 11) and (l[i-4, i-3] + r[i-4, i-3] >= 4)
  • xor ((l[i-2k, i-1] xor r[i-2k, i-1] = 2*2k-1) and (l[i-2*2k, i-2k-1] + r[i-2*2k, i-2k-1] >= 2*2k)


  • forward: doubling windowsize compute for 2k windows: all1 and carry at i*2k
  • backward: halfing windowsize compute carry at at 2k-1 + i*2k

implementation Inf:php/e11bit.php?addC

reversible logic adder with log 2 depth

  • from {lit+ textvar Lit.Lit$:DKR06 is undefined or empty} cited in Mog18↗ 

php symols: ^ = xor, ~ bitwise not we use a reversible circuit rlAddCary, that computes the carry (i.e (l, r) ==> (l, l^r, l^r^(l+r)

2^ll ^ rl ^ r ^ (l+r)
3^ ~l~l ^ (l + r)l ^ r ^ (l+r)
4rlAddCarry backwardl~l ^ (l + r)l ^ r ^ (l+r)
5~l~ (l+r)0
6 ll+r0
 4 -> 5 because backward yields
7-->5 rlAddCarryl~ (l+r)0
8===ll ^ ~(l+r)l ^ ~(l+r) ^ (l + ~(l+r)
9===l~l ^ (l+r)l ^ ~(l+r) ^ (l + (1 - l - r))
10===l~l ^ (l+r)l ^ ~(l+r) ^ (1 - r)
11===l~l ^ (l+r)l ^ ~(l+r) ^ ~r
12-->4l~l ^ (l+r)l ^ r ^ (l+r)

rlAddCarry is implemented as follows

function rlAddCarry($cE) { # reversible carry lookahead: (l, r) ==> (l, l^r, l^r^(l+r))
    $cW = 1<<$cE;
    $c = ['e' => $cE, 'return' => 'r',
            #['out', 'l', 'r', 'c', "d1", "rlAddCarry $cE begin"],
            ['ccNot', 'c', '', 'l<<1', 'r<<1'],
            ['xor'  , 'r', '', 'l']];
                    #  compute carry and all1 for increasing windows sizes
        $c[] = ['ccNot', "d1",  "A1",  'r<<1', "r<<2"];         # all1 for e=1
        $c[] = ['ccNot', 'c' ,  "A1",  'r<<1', "c<<1"];         # fix carry for e=1
    for ($e=2; $e < $cE; $e++) {
        $v = 1<<($e1 = $e-1);
        $c[] = ['ccNot', "d$e", "A$e", "d$e1", "d$e1<<$v"];     # all1
        $c[] = ['ccNot', 'c'  , "A$e", "d$e1", "c<<$v"];        # fix carry
        #$c[] = ['out', 'l', 'r', 'c', "d$e", "after carry up $e $v"];
    for ($e=$cE-1; $e >1; $e--) {
        $v = 1<<($e1=$e-1);
        $c[] = ['ccNot', "d$e",  "A$e", "d$e1", "d$e1<<$v"];    #uncompute all1   
        $c[] = ['ccNot', 'c'  , "A$e<<$v","d$e1", "c<<$v"];     #fix carry in the middle
        #$c[] = ['out', 'l', 'r', 'c', "d$e", "after carry down $e $v"];
        $c[] = ['ccNot', "d$e",  "A1", "r<<1", "r<<2"];         #uncompute all1 for e=1
        $c[] = ['ccNot', 'c'  , "A1<<1", "r<<1", "c<<1"];       #fix carry in the middle for e=1
        #$c[] = ['out', 'l', 'r', 'c', "d1", "rlAddCarry $cE end"];
    return $c;
  • we use integers as array of 64 (or 32) bits
  • gates are described by an array: [name of gate, dest, mask, src1, src2]
    • e.g. the last ccNot above will conditionally invert wire c iff r and c
    • but only the bits in maskA[1]
    • the mask and both sources are shifted one bit to the leftt